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Member and contact management

16 Aug 2016 6:26 AM | Anonymous

Wild Apricot software is designed for associations, clubs, non-profits, and member-based organizations. This page provides an overview of how Wild Apricot can be used to manage your members and other contacts (such as newsletter subscribers, donors, event attendees, and volunteers).

What you need to know

  • Everyone in your Wild Apricot database is a  contact . A contact can be a member, an event attendee, a donor, a newsletter subscriber, or any combination of these roles.

  • Contacts can be added automatically through your website, added manually by an administrator, or imported in bulk. For more information, see  Adding a new contact manually .

  • You don't have to set the passwords yourself when adding members in bulk from a spreadsheet. Instead, following the import, you can send the new members an email blast including the {Contact_Password_Reset_URL} macro, which will appear as a link they can click on to set their own passwords.

  • Members are a special type of contact. They can have special access to member-only pages and events, and their contact records include membership-related fields such as renewal date and member status. 

  • A contact becomes a member when they are assigned a membership level.

  • Members can add themselves via a online membership application form, or be added manually by an administrator.

  • You can create multiple  membership levels , each with different membership fees, subscription periods, renewals policies, and benefits.

  • Information about each contact is stored in a separate  record , with each record storing different chunks of information in  fields  (e.g. first name, last name, email address).

  • You can customize your contact database – and your forms – by adding, modifying, reordering, and deleting database fields.

  • Wild Apricot database fields are divided into two classes:  common fields  – fields that apply to all records (e.g. first name, last name, email address) – and additional fields that only apply to membership applications, event registrations, or donations. 

  • You can offer discounted group memberships to companies, team, or families by setting up membership bundle levels.

  • You can organize members from different membership levels into member groups according to their interests or participation in committees.

  • Members can be listed in a member directory, visible to everyone or just members.

  • You can automate the  membership renewal process  with timed reminders and actions.

  • To fully automate the renewal process, you can set up  recurring payments .

  • Members can perform various self-service functions themselves from their member profile 

Learn more

2501 Jolly Rd. Suite 110
Okemos, MI 48864

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