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The Future of Nursing in Michigan, the official publication of the American Nurses Association - Michigan (ANA-Michigan) quarterly publication is produced by HealthCom Media.

The Future of Nursing in Michigan Quarterly Publication

2024 Deadlines

  • Third Quarter Issue materials submission deadline is July 15, 2024

  • Fourth Quarter Issue materials submission deadline is October 21, 2024

This quarterly publication is distributed electronically to all Registered Nurses, LPNs, and Student Nurses in Michigan.

Deadlines: Copy is due on or before the deadlines shown above in order to prepare materials for the publisher in a timely fashion. Below, please read the submission guidelines.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Include: Suggested title, authors, author affiliation, ANA-Michigan membership status, and appropriate references pertaining to the content of the article.

    • References are required and may be subject to verification. 

  • Include: Type of article being submitted - Feature, Research, Regulator Report or Other (see space limits for each article type below).

  • APA Style (7th ed, 2019), "Running Headers" are not required.

  • Sub-headings are expected where indicated and tables/illustrations are encouraged to summarize key points as appropriate.

  • Photographs should be of clear quality and in a digital format with an appropriate resolution for electronic dissemination.

    • Email images with the correct name(s), place/event, date, and descriptions.

    • Images are not guaranteed to be included, even if submitted.

    Space limits: Due to space limitations, the following lengths are strongly recommended.

    • Feature articles: 500 to 750 words preferred, exceptions may be granted to 1,000 word max.

    • Research articles: 1,000 to 1,500 words; exceptions may be granted to 2,000 word max.

    • Regular Reports: 500 words (Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, President)

    • All other submissions: 250 to 500 words, content dependent, please include a clarifying statement if you are submitting an article exceeding these guidelines, such as a special report on mortality or Board of Nursing Annual Report.

    While ANA-Michigan will make every effort to publish articles in their entirety, ANA-Michigan reserves all editing rights prior to publication. All submissions will be reviewed for consideration, however, publication of the submitted article cannot be guaranteed. 

    ANA-Michigan thanks you in advance for your contributions to our official quarterly publication. As per our agreement with HealthCom Media, ANA-Michigan owns the rights to all articles and images published. If you have any questions, please respond via email to nurse@ana-michigan.org or contact the office at (517) 325-5306.

    Submit An Article Here

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    Okemos, MI 48864

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